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Student Desks And Chairs Classification

- Mar 01, 2018-

I believe you are already very familiar with the students desks and chairs, desks and chairs with us also took us to the life of the flower, then you are not in different stages of learning, but also the use of different student desks and chairs it? We as a professional student desks and chairs manufacturers, let's introduce you to the class of students desks and chairs to let you have a better understanding of it.

If divided according to age, then the school desks and chairs can be divided into Kindergarten desks and chairs, school desks and chairs, school desks and chairs, college students chair. If it is in accordance with the function of desks and chairs to points, then it is divided into two kinds of fixed desks and chairs desks, in accordance with the material is divided into wooden desks and chairs, plastic desks and chairs and steel wood Desk and chair.

Of course, for different types of student desks and chairs, the quality requirements are very strict, but also requires students desks and chairs the appearance of the surface and can not have burrs and sharp edges, or in the course of the use will be Hazard to their students.

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